Friday, January 19, 2018

Reagan May Racing Into First Place

By Robert Kelly

When someone has the inspiration to drive race cars at the age of only nine years old, it can either be just a phase or a lifelong passion. In the case of Reagan May racing was to become her passion that would soon lead her to a number of successes. Thanks to her achievements and rise to fame, people everywhere are starting to realize that motorsports does not have to be a rich boys' club.

Since starting her career, she has won a number of prestigious awards for young drivers. She has had the honor of being named Rookie of the Year in a number of divisions as well as the IMCA Youngest Winner at Luxemburg Speedway. The awards just keep coming in for this talented young driver.

Before she won a feature even in the TUNDRA Super Late Model Series, only one other woman had ever achieved this before. It is important for young women and girls to have role models like these so they can actually see themselves in the driver's seat and be inspired to take up the motorsport. This is how she has achieved both personal success and success for aspiring female drivers everywhere.

She was born to a family of racers, so it seemed to be her destiny from the start. She grew up competing against her brother, Parker, who is also a driver. Their father, Kip, is also a driver, and their mom is always there to help out in the pit.

In addition to her experience and involvement as a driver, she also has attended Michigan Technological University. There, she studied and got her degree in Mechanical Engineering. This gives her a leg up on the competition because she is able to solve car problems as they happen.

Anyone who has been able to achieve widespread success in this sport is worthy of looking up to in May's opinion. It is challenging for anyone to be able to be successful at it, but she especially looks up to the women who have been able to do so since it is a sport that is so commonly dominated by men. Her father is one driver who she looks up to a lot because of the opportunities he has given to her and his legacy as an SCCA racer.

With so much experience on many different tracks, this driver is able to handle all kinds of conditions and types of tracks. She says that there is not one track in particular that she would call her home course because she feels just as comfortable on all of them. This adaptability gives her a huge advantage over the competition when on an unfamiliar track.

May is a big fan of competition, so getting to compete against so many other talented drivers is an aspect that she loves about this sport. She also loves the fact that even though they are rivals on the race track, they all get off the track and are family and friends once more. She says that people in this community are like a family, so there is a strong bond between her and the other drivers.

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